Sunday, March 20, 2011

Jail bait and the next generation

Sorry, been without a computer for like 10-12 days. Kind of sucked... Anyway:

Just a heads up, there is some really racy subject matter in this. You also probably won't agree with all of my opinions either... and I do get pretty opinionated towards the bottom...

Ok, so... the other day I am driving to my parents house. I have my lovely wife, Julie in the car along with my beautiful and quickly growing daughter, Vida. Anyway, so we're on the road and as you can probably tell just from my blogs, I have a very short attention span, unless something is super interesting. I am always changing the station due to "I like this song, this song is dumb, I can't stand commercials" and it goes on and on the entire trip. That's fine as my wife would rather listen to something fun also. Than we tune into the XM Top 20 station and this cool little beat starts poppin and this seductive voice comes over... and I can peg jail-bait a mile away both visually and auditory. It's Selena Gomez saying things that as an adult are kind of understanding to hear someone talk about... But isn't this chick like.................... 12 YEARS OLD?!?!? So instantly I am freaking out!! Is this what society wants to make my daughter see as ok?? I have Miley Cyrus grinding on some dude(and I don't care who he is, she is showing girls everywhere that this action is acceptable). Sorry, I kind of just jumped the gun there, but you get where I am going... back track...

Lets start with Selena Gomez:

Selena is actually 17 years old, soon to be 18, but all I can imagine when i think of her is the small, still challenged with shedding some baby fat little girl that was on the Disney(X factor in all of this) channel, singing and dancing her heart away. But this song isn't that same little girl. this is a much more adult theme to this song that SHE HAS NO FREAKING CLUE ABOUT! Ok, to prove my point, I'll give you a couple lines from Ms Gomez biggest hit; Naturally: "And it takes my breath away. What you do, so naturally" - "You have a way of moving me, A force of nature, your energy, It comes naturally, (You know it does,) It comes naturally, (Oh yeah)" - "When we collide, sparks fly, When you look in my eyes, it takes my breath away" And now for the chorus... since I've basically just put the entire song up there... might as well finish it. "You are the thunder and I am the lightning, And I love the way you know who you are, And to me it's exciting, When you know it's meant to be, Everything comes naturally, It comes naturally, When you're with me baby, Everything comes naturally, It comes naturally, (Ba-Ba-Baby)"

First things first... The only thing at 17 that should be taking your breathe away is the overwhelming excitement for new trailers for the damn Twilight movies! And seriously, You have a way of moving me??? Are you kidding me?!?!?! The only thing that should move you is a bad chalupa at Taco Bell!! You're 17 years old!! When we collide, sparks fly!?!?! When you look in my eyes,it takes my breath away!?!?!? The only sparks my daughter is going to see at 17 are those of sparklers on the 4th of July! And the only one having their breathe taken away is the boy who knocks on my door and gets a boot the chest when he asks if my daughter is home!!!

Okay... so to make myself feel a little better about this song, I've changed it's seductive message to something more fitting...

You are the thunder and I am the lightening: This is in reference to her baby sister who is with her at the arcade!
And I love the way you know who you are: Because her baby sister is just old enough to get the concept of her place in the family.
And to me it's exciting. When you know it's meant to be. Oh, this is when she is talking about playing skeeball at the arcade and she tosses the ball and it goes right in. She knows its meant to be! Pretty much, when she throws the ball down the lane, her baby sister makes the sound of thunder and when it goes in the 100 point hole, Selena makes the sound of lightening. See, it comes naturally ;)

It's dumb, I know, but it makes me feel better about the whole situation, so shut up.

So like for real, I am terrified of my baby daughter growing up in such an overly sexualized society where young girls are being pressured once they hit their teens and sometimes even earlier to have sex. Hell, turn on the TV, its everywhere, at all hours!! Not necessarily the pressure but the stories of the pressure. How often is Tyra talking about some girl who is 11, who is talking about how she gives head to boys at school cause its the cool thing to do!?!?!?! Did you know they have a different name for blow jobs now? Its called bopping. Some dumbed down, code name so its viewed differently.

And seriously, what example is being made for them?!? Look at our young stars, they all talk about it all the time. I have Bristol Pailin getting knocked up, Jamie Lynn Spears is on her second kid with I think a second daddy, and Justin Bieber talks about how much girls mean to him and HIS BALLS HAVEN'T EVEN DROPPED YET!!! If he tweets a picture of himself and Kim Kardashian and jokes about her being his girlfriend and SHE gets death threats from little girls!!! You're gonna tell me those same little girls aren't going to be willing to do things .... I CANT'T EVEN TALK ABOUT THIS! Its just making me mad.

Where has our accountability and leadership over family disappeared to? Where are the Dads at?? The mother may be able to relate better to these girls, but where is the father with his loving leadership and tender relationship to his little girl. Fathers, step into your roles as leaders over your households and change the way this next generation is raised. I'm stepping up to the plate. My daughter will make decisions for herself. Some good, some bad. But I promise, I would have done everything within my power and established a righteous standard for my family that my daughter will be able to reference to help make the right decisions. Will she ever sneak out of the house? Probably. Will she get drunk before she's 21? Probably. Will she have sex before she is married? I don't know. But that will be the standard set. And if she falls, I will be there with open arms for my daughter. But there will be no other advice given on the matter. I won't ever give her condoms or put her on the pill or give her some shot because that is only giving partial permission "as long as you're careful". I had a thousand chances to have sex when I was growing up. But the only thing that changed it was the fear of breaking my last standing promise to God. Am I any better than anyone else? Of course not. But I am going to set the same standard for my children. Will they meet every standard set? Definitely not, and that's where love and forgiveness come into play.

Well that was a bit of a tangent... Hopping off soapbox... Thanks again, see ya soon ;)

Hey, I'm also starting to tweet so hit me up on twitter @jbsully or on

Word of the week: Douche

Beer of the week: Adam and I's Imperial Pale Ale - Turned out awesome, very excited!

Music of the week: REO Speedwagon's Greatest Hits and what the heck, SELENA GOMEZ!!!

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