Sunday, March 20, 2011

AA-12 Shotgun Blast

MONDAY, APRIL 12, 2010
AA-12 Shogun Blast

Alright alright alright alright Ok now ladies.

So first things first. My apologies for not putting anything out in the past month. March was just crazy. So I plan to get back in sync this month and give you a couple other things to read.

SECOND:I actually wrote 2 parts to this and it ended up being way to long. So expect the release of my next one, passionately regarding my Redskins to be released early next week, a couple days before the draft so you can get as crazy and grey haired as I am.

THIRD: I won my first fantasy baseball game this week with the highest score in the league, so currently, the Arnold Ho Snackwraps are in 1st and looking for the pennant!!

So I'm in the office on an open at work the other day listening to KISS and it comes to me and I think: What have I been listening to the past 20 years and why has none of it been KISS until now?? So I get to thinking... dangerous, right? There is a LOT of music I listen to now that I never did before, much less when it was actually popular. Favorite bands today are Rush, Kiss, Styx, AC/DC, Guns and Roses. Those are just a couple and they're a bit more of the same genre. I still love and listen to a lot of Coheed and Cambria, Weezer, Angels and Airwaves... And of course it's well documented amongst my friends of my passion for Hip-Hop: T.I. is an all time favorite, Biggie, Gucci or Game.

So what am I getting at?

How much and how quickly do our palate's change as we get old or "mature"? Even as our surroundings change and we are more heavily influenced by the more common styles and themes around us. (should that have been phrased as a question)

Yes, I've always liked Hip-Hop. But I was raised in a very urban (I know you like the use of that very politically correct phrase. I could have said hood, ghetto or been really racy and said "predominately black community" where I was the minority) setting where Hip-Hop was it. Hip-Hop and basketball all day, every day. We played basketball until we broke the rim at that dude's house and moved on to the next one until the same happened. We would walk around the neighborhood and play feux go-go on the cars down the block. Each person beating a different part of some stranger's vehicle to accomplish the desired sound. At any point somebody might spit a rhyme and we move on to the next. What did we listen to? I still enjoy Bone Thugs and Harmony or Onyx. But I also had a different element that my friends didn't. They didn't listen to Christian Rap like I did. If they did, they hid it better than I did. Although I would drop the occasional line from one of those albums during a freestyle session and pretend it was mine because I knew nobody would be able to call me out on it. I mean, DC Talk, was huge and as I got older still listened to some like, Sev Statik, Tunnel Rats or John Rueben. Alright, so the point I'm getting at is, I liked it then. I like it now... but maybe a little less... maybe... but will I get to a point when I'm 40 that I don't like it at all?? I mean, what is my daughter gonna say when I'm 40 and still doing the Superman?? Who knows?

So I think I get the past, but we definitely go through phases. I mean, I was an emo kid like any other during my late teens even into early 20s. It was all about AFI, Brand New and Thursday. And I still like all that stuff. NO WHERE near as much as I did then though. Like not even close. And there is a new breed of scene kids with their Animal Collectives and Matt & Kim. I'm sure they'll look fondly back to those days like I look back to Sunny Day Real Estate, Blink 182 and MxPx. They put their imprint on our lives.

But our musical palates are just like Peter Pan, they don't want to grow up. But they do. They always grow up.

EXAMPLE: I BOUGHT A BLUEGRASS ALBUM the other day!!! Where did that come from??? Mind you, it was a bluegrass tribute to Blink 182. But it was bluegrass nonetheless. I mean, I can listen to more country now than I ever have been able to in my entire life. Some Justin Jones & the Driving Rain, Johnny Cash or even one of my daughter's favorite artists, Taylor Swift. I think part of it is that I'm a little smarter. I realized this in sports years ago and think I am only just starting to get it now for music. If it makes that much money, and is that popular, than there must be a value to it that I just don't understand yet. YET. So I invest myself a little. I did it with College Sports and Nascar and now I'm doing it with music. They're good, you're just not in the right spot to understand that.

So does this mean my next step is Whitney Houston and Celine Dion?? I don't know, is it?? No matter what I am listenning to in 15 years, today I am loving where I am atin my own musical universe. Bring on the Rush, Young Jeezy, Taking Back Sunday and maybe I'll reopen my eyes to the things that I liked back then and have changed into today's Cage the Elephant or MGMT.

So what am I up to this week??

Listening to what I said earlier: Kiss
Song: Love Gun

Beers close to the lips: Lewis hooked me up with a half a case of: Wells Bombardier. it's a 5.2 % English bitter that is really great. I have it just chilling in the basement on the floor to keep it at the proper cellar temperature(40 - 65 F) and its right around 62ish and the beer has a ton of flavor at that level. Absolutely one of the best bitters I've had. highly recommend.

Also: Been drinking a lot of Oaked or Bourbon Barrel aged beers lately. Oaked Unearthly by Southern Tier is out so you gotta snag that. Bourbon County by goose Island is a DELICIOUS 13%, stout aged for 6 months in bourbon barrels that will blow your mind!! Its not cheap but way more affordable than buying 6 Brew Dog Paradox beers which are fabulous but HORRIBLY expensive.

EVENTS: April 20th BEER CLUB with Stoudts Brewery at Lures in Crownsville with the Dawson's boys, Danny and Matt. It costs like 38.95 or whatever and its ALL YOU CAN DRINK or some if the best beers on draft in the area with a tasting of 6 Stoudts Beers as well as a nice spread of ALL YOU CAN EAT FOOD. It's an awesome time and I'll totally be there, so come join me. Just gimmie a call or visit my facebook and hit me there.

April 22nd at Fridays @ Arundel Mills I will be closing for the NFL Draft Party, so come on out, Ill be chillin in the bar the whole time, just don't tell my bosses ;)

See you guys later next week, here's a couple links for you:

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